Instagram Flyer Concepts
2018-2019, Adobe Photoshop, 1200x1200
A collection of square-format show flyers for Instagram built over late 2018 and early 2019. It seems as if Instagram has become sort of the go-to social media blast for non-elderly blowhards, but I rarely see bands post square-format flyers. This was another opportunity to play around with transparency, layering and different brushes and textures.
The Wong Kar-Wai influence pokes through yet again.
I really hope I get to use this concept someday. It made me chuckle making it.
A few UK post-punk/goth-influenced ideas, reminiscent of Joy Division and Bauhaus's visual aesthetic.
Giorgio Moroder always gets the party started.
Another one of my favorites, inspired by the 1987 vampire film Near Dark.
A few more ideas based on the 80's pastel and neon aesthetic.
Instagram Flyer Concepts

Instagram Flyer Concepts
